SFTP for Sublime Text


Key Bindings

In addition to the menu-driven operation, SFTP offers key bindings for all commands. In the documentation below, the modifier keys (ctrl+altcontrol+) should be held down while pressing and releasing the first letter key, and then the second letter key.

Remote Workflow

Upload File
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, f)
Upload the current file
Upload VCS Changed Files
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, c)
Upload all files changed or created since the last commit to your VCS (SVN, Git or Hg)
Upload Open Files
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, n)
Upload all open files that are configured with an SFTP/FTP remote
Download File
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, o)
Download the remote version of the selected file and overwrite the local copy
Upload Folder
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, r)
Upload the entire folder the current file is located in
Download Folder
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, e)
Download the entire folder
Diff Remote File
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, i)
Download the remote version of a file to a temp location and diff it with the local version
Rename Local and Remote Files
Context menu only
Rename the file on the server as well as the local copy
Delete Remote File
Context menu only
Delete the file off of the server
Delete Local and Remote Files
Context menu only
Delete the file off of the server in addition to the local copy
Sync Local -> Remote
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, y)
Compare file modification times and confirm actions before uploading the selected file or folder. This will also delete files off of the remote server that do not exist locally.
Sync Remote -> Local
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, d)
Compare file modification times and confirm actions before downloading the selected file or folder. This will also delete files off of the local machine that do not exist remotely.
Sync Both Directions
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, b)
Compare file modification times and confirm actions before uploading/downloading the selected file or folder. This will never delete files, and will always perform the action that causes the newest file to be present in both locations.
Monitor File
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, m)
Watch the file for modifications (from Sublime or other applications). When the file modification time changes, the file will be uploaded. This was designed to be used with programs such as LiveReload and CSS compliers. The file must remain open in Sublime to be monitored. Once it is closed, monitoring stops.
Browse Remote
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, w)
Open the server quick panel browser at the remote folder corresponding to the selected file or folder

Server Workflow

Setup Server
ctrl+altcontrol++(r, s)
Setup a new server.
Browse Server
ctrl+altcontrol++(r, b)
List the servers, with an option to setup a new one.
Last Server
ctrl+altcontrol++(r, n)
Show the current directory listing for the last used server.
Edit Server
ctrl+altcontrol++(r, e)
List the servers for the purpose of editing.
Delete Server
ctrl+altcontrol++(r, d)
List the servers for the purpose of deletion.

Both Workflows

Show SFTP Panel
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, s)
Show the SFTP activity panel
ctrl+altcontrol++(u, x)
Stop the current SFTP/FTP server activity (connection, upload or download)

All keyboard shortcuts can be customized by selecting the menu item Preferences Package Settings SFTP Key Bindings – Default. Shortcuts to be customized should be copied into the sibling menu item Key Bindings – User and customized there. This will prevent updates from overriding the customizations.